Shannon Deconinck
Author Bio

Shannon DeConinck was born in Singapore, quite a long time ago, grew up in Brighton, England and started travelling at age sixteen. For the next fifteen years he lived in the USA, Australia, India and Europe. A curious nature and a love of adventure provided the impetus to keep seeking new environments and stimuli. During this time he worked on a fishing trawler in Massachusetts, as a motorcycle courier in Australia and as a surfing instructor in Spain. He also spent some years in India where amongst other things he lived on an ashram and travelled with the holy men of the Himalayas.
In his thirties he returned to England and studied Environmental and Third World studies, graduating with BA hons, after which he worked with an environmental NGO in North India. Since then he has lived mostly on the Atlantic coast of Andalucia, or on a boat somewhere. The Idiot Messiah is his first novel, he is currently working on his second.